Daily Homework

Students are expected to complete homework Monday through Thursday. NO homework on weekends!

This is the work you should expect coming home right now:

Spelling - Tasks change everyday, using the same word list. Spelling tests are on Fridays or the last day of the week. 

Reading Response- For the first weeks in the school year, students will work on a one-page reading response. This will help with complete sentence writing practice and will also help students focus on basic reading comprehension. 

Math - We have Mad Minute tests ( a 1 minute test of math facts) Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Studying math facts is a must!!! Students will also work on a practice page daily.

Daily Reading - Students are expected to read 30 minutes daily. For now, please sign you student's planner and write down how long they read. The reading can be done independently, or the child can be read to. A combination of both also works. If you do not have an appropriate book for your child t read at home (by appropriate, I mean a book in your child's level), your child is welcome to borrow a book from me. 

As students move forward, the homework will change slightly. Please watch this site for such changes or speak with your child directly. 

A note about not completing homework: I expect the homework to help with daily practice and also in the development of good study habits. However, if your child needs an excuse from his/her daily homework due to whatever reason (illness, family events, anything YOU feel needs an excuse...), please send me a note. I will excuse your child without a problem.  I check planners everyday, so you can write a note on your child's planner. 


Mrs. Marlattsmiley